The Benefits of Helping Withdrawn Children

Parents have remarked how their children hold back from expressing themselves in school but will frequently complain about a variety of situations related to school when they get home. Children can express extreme shyness and social issues in school. This manifests itself as: Refusing to ask permission to[…]

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Why Children Must Learn Communication Skills

Communication skills impact upon a child’s ability to listen, understand and express themselves. These skills are fundamental to problem solving and maintaining relationships. It has a big impact on their future and the quality of their life. Of course learning vocabulary and sentence structure is important but having[…]

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Improving Confidence After Bullying

Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by repeated words or actions, feels bad because of it and has a hard time stopping what is happening to them. Bullying can take many forms and result in low self esteem and confidence, lower school grades, withdrawal, anxiety, rage[…]

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