The Happiness Edge

Shawn Achor (An American happiness researcher, author, and speaker known for his advocacy of positive psychology) reports that only 25% of success in a job is based on your ability to do the job. The other 75% that contributes to success at work is down to your optimism,[…]

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Areas Covered:

Children and Young People: How to Feel Good About Being Unique

Why is it that sometimes we want to connect with others and at other times you want to be one of a kind? Is there a reason for this too and fro between wanting to be unique and wanting to connect? Yes, it turns out, it’s a natural[…]

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Areas Covered:

How Do You Help a Child Who Falls Out With Their Best Friend?

As a child, isn’t it true that we’ve all ‘fallen out’ with a best friend at some stage of our younger lives? If you did, how did it end out for you, and how did you feel? Did you ‘make up’, or did you forever remain enemies? The[…]

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