How To Take Responsibility for Your Emotions

Through my work at my Hertfordshire Therapy Clinic I’ve noticed a regularly occurring issue amongst teenagers: being able to take responsibility for their emotions. What I’ve noticed with a lot of the young people that I have been working with through NLP4Kids seem to have this idea that[…]

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Parents & Professionals: Why Parents Need to Be Persistent

Children are persistent creatures and after a hard days work at school, they still have more energy and commitment to their cause than most adults. This can lead to problems with discipline and enforcing boundaries as they begin to learn that when their parents are worn out or[…]

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When You Don’t Deal With Anger…

I have to say, I do not know how technically true it is (though it makes a great deal of sense if it were true) that toddlers who do not have their tempers attended to appropriately end up having temper tantrums as teenagers, and if the still do[…]

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