Tag: communication
Children And Young People: Ask More Questions!
If you want to have less arguments, more clear thinking and better understanding the key is in your communication and specifically the questions you ask. Using good quality questions you can begin to discover what is behind the behaviour and emotions of others for better understanding. ———————————————***———————————————- SNAPCHAT[…]
Read moreChildren and Young People: How to Feel Good About Being Unique
Why is it that sometimes we want to connect with others and at other times you want to be one of a kind? Is there a reason for this too and fro between wanting to be unique and wanting to connect? Yes, it turns out, it’s a natural[…]
Read moreThe Tale of The Boy, The Sun-cream and Me
The sunshine is here and that can mean one thing, the dreaded application of sun-cream to the child! Now, I’d like to say that it’s a bit like the scene from Mary Poppins and the ‘spoonful of sugar’ and we all sing and dance whilst happily applying the[…]
Read moreHow To Deal With Exam Results
It’s exam results time again and while many young people are out celebrating their success, others are feeling disappointed and worried about their future. So what can you do to support your child if they haven’t had good news today? 1. Show them how much you love them.[…]
Read more3 Essential Self-Care Practices for Children
As we grow through life we are naturally expected to take on more responsibilities. However, incorporating additional tasks on a daily or even weekly basis can result in added stress. Children and adolescents are not immune to stressors either, which is crucial to acknowledge because these are[…]
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No Failing, Only Feedback
Some children are just not equipped to deal with failure. This can lead to a pattern where they expect to fail, then they actually fail and then they suddenly become fearful in failing again which then prevents them from trying. This pattern of behaviour affects them in many[…]
Read moreCoping Strategies for Disadvantaged Children
Children are not equipped to deal with certain situations which may occur at home, or at school which often result in anxiety and behavioural problems. These are mainly caused by poor coping strategies in reaction to their circumstances at home, or in some cases caused by their own[…]
Read more*Trumped-Up Language
I watched a clip this week on the BBC News of Donald Trump “listening” to family and friends of those who lost their lives in the recent school massacres in the USA. After the “listening” period, President Trump then went on to suggest how American schools can stop[…]
Read moreStrategies to Stop Sibling Rivalry
As a nanny, I was very conscious of ensuring that all of the children felt that they had an equal (within reason) share of my time. We used to do an activity called DSNFSE (I know it’s not a very catchy title!) It stands for Do Something Nice[…]
Read moreParents & Professionals: Why Parents Need to Be Persistent
Children are persistent creatures and after a hard days work at school, they still have more energy and commitment to their cause than most adults. This can lead to problems with discipline and enforcing boundaries as they begin to learn that when their parents are worn out or[…]
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