Helping Refugee Children to Adjust

Imagine seeing the place you once called home destroyed. Your friends and family, terrified, injured or killed and being told that the only chance you have to survive is to flee. Then you land here, in this new country with a different language, rules, history, and education system,[…]

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Areas Covered:

Why Children Must Learn Communication Skills

Communication skills impact upon a child’s ability to listen, understand and express themselves. These skills are fundamental to problem solving and maintaining relationships. It has a big impact on their future and the quality of their life. Of course learning vocabulary and sentence structure is important but having[…]

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Areas Covered:

*Trumped-Up Language

I watched a clip this week on the BBC News of Donald Trump “listening” to family and friends of those who lost their lives in the recent school massacres in the USA. After the “listening” period, President Trump then went on to suggest how American schools can stop[…]

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Areas Covered:

Debbie Kinghorn, Our NLP4Kids Practitioner Returns to Derbyshire

One of our NLP4Kids Practitioners, Debbie K has recently returned to her home county of Derbyshire and we’re so pleased to have her flying the NLP4Kids flag across the East Midlands. Debbie has been with NLP4Kids for over 4 years. After spending time in the corporate world training[…]

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Areas Covered:

The ‘Imprint period’

It is stated by child psychologists that between the ages of 3 years and 11 years is an imprint period. This means that childhood experiences between these ages are likely to have an impact on who that child becomes, how they feel, behave and represent the world to[…]

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Areas Covered:

National story telling

For me, the art of decent book writing comes down to three main things: Attention to sensory detail Apprehension/uncertainty Relief/humour Last year I had an article published about effective story telling and ultimately how if you can tell a story well, it really can bring even a poor[…]

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Areas Covered:

Increasing Self-Respect and Self-Belief

For children who present challenging behaviour in school, at home and in the community; there is a lack of fundamental education about how to relate to others and understand the world from a perspective other than their own point of view. Some schools are supporting young people from[…]

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Areas Covered:

Behaviour Frameworks for Children and Teenagers

I read somewhere that children who are disciplined feel more loved and that clear behaviour frameworks improve children’s mental health. It can be difficult to believe that sometimes when all they seem to want to do is push the boundaries! Whether they are toddlers or teenagers there is[…]

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Areas Covered:

Story Telling

I regularly work with children in my West London practice who face different worry inducing situations. In some cases they suffer from anxiety, in others, they have fear of failing, sometimes they lack the motivation to study and in some cases they don’t know how to face up[…]

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Music, TV and Computer Games

I joined a gym recently (that in itself is a revelation trust me!). As I was jogging away, I was listening to a podcast on my iPhone. I do this because I don’t always like to listen to the music that is blaring in the gym. However I[…]

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